A 3,500-year-old noble Egyptian called Nebiri has been brought back to life through modern forensics.
Scientists have reconstructed the face of the ancient mummy, and discovered he had a prominent nose, wide jaw, straight eyebrows and moderately thick lips.
Nebiri is thought to have been a member of the Egyptian elite who served as the Chief of the Stables, looking after royal horses, during the reign of Thutmoses III, a pharaoh from the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt.
His remains were discovered in the Valley of the Queens in Luxor in 1904, but as the tomb has been plundered, just his head and jars containing his organs remained.
Researchers from the University of Turin have now used a range of facial reconstruction techniques to produce an impressive facial approximation.
To reconstruct his face, the researchers used a mixture of computer modelling and anthropological research.
The team then used a computer programme to start to build up a picture of the Egyptian's face.
Speaking to Live Science, Raffaella Bianucci, who led the study, said: 'He was between 45 [and] 60 years old when he died.

Shivali Best. "The face of Nebiri revealed: Scientists reconstruct the head of the ancient Egyptian 'Chief of Stables', 3,500 years after he died of heart failure". MailOnline – Science & Tech, 11:01 BST, 20 June 2017.
The germanic, nordic and celtic is not black haired or brown eyed. This is actual science.
Otherwise race wouldnt be real. She has admixture, if its just italian.
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